The Painting

The Painting

Tomorrow we take flight and head to Japan.  But today I am at my sister’s home in San Diego, CA.

She has lived in this home for 30 years now.  And in that time I have visited many times.  Her home is beautiful.  Like something you would see in a magazine.

It struck me this morning that this home is her life’s painting.  Over the years each room’s decorations have changed subtly, a minor touch here, a new painting there.  She has steadily created a masterpiece over these thirty years.

It is the same way with our lives.  We are continually altering, pruning and re-painting our canvas.  Friends, relationships and jobs change over the course of our lives constantly changing the content of our painting.   

The masterpiece we create is colored by our choices in life, bright reds, yellows and greens depict a life full of joy and happiness.  Blacks and grays coloring and dimming portions of our painting with darkness and despair.

If we look closely we can see the deep violet signifying the royalty of our Lord Jesus Christ as he picks up the brush and helps to color and tone our lives.  That is where the real masterpieces are created.  When we stop and let the Lord take control of the brush and palette.

Sometimes, our lives go astray and our painting becomes chaotic and uninspiring.  We may lose hope and believe that all is lost but we just have to stop and repaint the canvas with the white gesso to become once again pure.  God is the unending supply of gesso.  No matter the mistake with him we can continue to work on our masterpiece until we have finished our work and made Him smile.

Your friend in Christ,


Christian in Training