'Marriage' Tagged Posts

'Marriage' Tagged Posts

Daily Devotional – Sanctity of Marriage

Sanctity of Marriage By Billy Graham   •   July 25, 2016 How I need your help, especially in my own home . . . —Psalm 101:2 (TLB) In the marriage ceremony, after the vows are said, the minister solemnly and reverently remarks, “What God hath joined together let no man put asunder.” Is not God the third part in a marriage? Should He not be taken into account in the marriage, and in the home that emerges from that marriage? If…

Daily Devotional – A Sacred Institution

A Sacred Institution – from Billygraham.org May 27, 2016 Follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another. —Romans 14:19 The home is basically a sacred institution. The perfect marriage is the uniting of three persons–a man and a woman and God. This is what makes marriage holy. Faith in Christ is the most important of all principles in the building of a happy marriage and a successful home. The secret strength of a…