Persistence – Sunday School Handout – September 13, 2020

Persistence – Sunday School Handout – September 13, 2020


Like it or not, most of us don’t achieve our goals quickly. How do we stay focused on our goals when it may take months or years to accomplish them? Persistence is the key. Is persistence a valuable quality for a Christian? In what
ways does being persistent help?

As we contemplate a personal ministry, or a ministry through our church, we should remember that it will take persistence as individuals and as a church to be successful in accomplishing God’s will. Let’s look together at some examples of persistence we find in scripture, and discuss how we can learn from them.

Joshua 24:14 – Let’s start with the basics. To be successful as a Christian, we must all be persistent in our faith. Joshua reminds Israel of this when he admonishes them to remember the one true God. How do we stay persistent in our faith?

Nehemiah 1:4 – If prayer comes to mind as one way to be persistent in our faith, you are absolutely correct. Nehemiah fasted and prayed for days when he learned the condition of Jerusalem. How do we remain persistent in prayer?

Psalms 55:17 – The psalmist talks of praying morning, noon, and evening. Being consistent is one way of maintaining a persistent and effective prayer life.

Proverbs 2:1-6 – Though persistent prayer is critical to a fruitful Christian life, we must also persistently seek God’s wisdom through our daily walk. We should be persistent in study, and we must always be alert to see God in our lives and the lives of others. In what ways is God working in the life of Highland Park Baptist Church right now?

Ecclesiastes 9:10 – Building on persistence in prayer, study, and observation, we should also be persistent in our efforts. This verse reminds us to work with zeal for the Lord, because the day is coming when we won’t be able to work at all. What are ways we can all work with zeal for God?

Luke 5:17-20 – Where would this man have been without persistence?

Luke 19:1-10 – Where would Zacchaeus have been without persistence? Sometimes, being persistent means you may have to publicly stand for what you believe in.

II Corinthians 4:15-18 – Being persistent means we may have to work through pain and discomfort. We must always remember our eternal home as our goal. As Paul writes, our persistence may not always be rewarded physically, because
our outward man is perishing. We will, however, be rewarded inwardly by renewing our faith and relationship with God.
