Past Events (Page 8)

Past Events (Page 8)

Mar 19, 2016

Easter Egg Hunt

Join us for the annual Highland Park Baptist Church Easter Egg hunt! The event will be held at the home of Robert & Tammy Bowers at 3271 Hickory Creek Rd. from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm on Saturday March 19th.  Please bring your donations of candy to the church as soon as possible.  We do not need the Easter Egg shells, just the candy. Suggestion:  Candy that will not melt easily is best.
Feb 26 – 28, 2016

Marriage Retreat

Join us for two nights at this luxury resort and spa!  Have a great time together getting to know other couples.  Please sign up as soon as possible if you are going.  The cost is $100 per couple!
Feb 24, 2016

Bible Journaling Class

Like to Doodle?  Like to draw? Like to read the scripture?Combine them and really enjoy yourself in Bible Journalilng!  Join Carolyn Lee and others in a self-led Bible Journaling class that meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month.  Beginners are welcome, bring a friend the class is open to everyone!  Meets in Brenda Aikens classroom.
Feb 23, 2016

Cumberland County Playhouse

Ride with us on the Church bus to see a presentation of Church Basement Ladies a ‘heavenly’ new musical being produced by Cumberland County Playhouse.  Cost is $23 per person plus lunch money.  Money is due in to Doris by Sunday, February 7th. The bus will leave the Church at 10:45 am
Feb 21, 2016

2016 Chili Cook-Off for Cancer

After morning service; come join us for the 2016 Chili Cook off.  Bring your own entry and then stay and try them all.  $5 donation to American Cancer Society See Linda Collins if you are willing to bring a crockpot of chili or need more information!