Past Events (Page 7)

Past Events (Page 7)

Apr 30, 2016

Relay for Life

Please sign-up if you would like to donate baked goods (Brownies, cookies, etc.) or drinks to our fund raiser for the Relay for Life on April 30, 2016.  Items should be packed 2-3 pieces in individual sandwich bags and brought to the fellowship hall by 9:00 am on Saturday, April 30.  See Dennis Mayfield for more information.
Apr 28, 2016

Bible Journaling Class

Like to Doodle?  Like to draw? Like to read the scripture?Combine them and really enjoy yourself in Bible Journaling!  Join Carolyn Lee and others in a self-led Bible Journaling class that meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month from 6:30 pm  to 8:30 pm  in the Fellowship Hall.  Beginners are welcome, bring a friend the class is open to everyone!
Apr 28, 2016

Making a Barn Quilt

Learn how to Make a Barn Quilt.  Class is just $15 for supplies.  Please sign up in the hallway, along with your phone number.  We will furnish the 2′ x 2′ board, sand paper, sealer and applicator.  Please see or call Diane Dawson for details.
Apr 24, 2016

Bridal Shower

You are invited to a drop-in Bridal Shower for Leeann Sharp and Michael Green on Sunday, April 24 from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm in the Fellowship Building.   They are registered at Bed, Bath and Beyond and at Target.
Apr 23, 2016

Senior Adults – Cornbread Festival

Join the Senior Adults as we go to the Cornbread Festival.  Saturday April 23 at 9:00 am.  Cost is $5.00 admission.  Please sign up outside of the pastor’s office if you are interested.
Apr 19, 2016

Senior Adults – Cumberland County Playhouse

Cumberland County Playhouse Trip.  Meet at the Church April 19 at 10:45 am.  Cost is $22.00 plus lunch.  Please sign up outside of the pastor’s office if you are interested.
Apr 14, 2016

Bible Journaling Class

Like to Doodle?  Like to draw? Like to read the scripture?Combine them and really enjoy yourself in Bible Journaling!  Join Carolyn Lee and others in a self-led Bible Journaling class that meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month from 6:30 pm  to 8:30 pm  in the Fellowship Hall.  Beginners are welcome, bring a friend the class is open to everyone!
Apr 7, 2016

Cancer Survivor Dinner

If you are a Cancer Survivor see Dennis Mayfield to  make sure you get to participate in the Cancer Survivor’s Dinner on April 7th at 6:00 pm
Apr 3, 2016

River Oaks Ministry

Join us at 2:00 pm on the first Sunday of each month at the River Oaks Place in Lenoir City.  A special service is held for the residents where God’s message is delivered, singing praises to the Lord and fellowship is provided to the elderly.  This is a real opportunity to bless someone’s day.  We are blessed to have some young musicians who really touch the hearts of their audience! We acknowledge birthdays and present a small gift to each one.  After…
Apr 3, 2016

Wedding Shower for Tamara Arden and Brandon Hatcher

You’re invited to a drop-in wedding shower for Tamara Arden and Brandon Hatcher on Sunday April 3rd in the Fellowship building (Time to be announced).  They are registered at Bed, Bath and Beyond and at Target.