Dec 1, 2016
Cara’s Bears
We are currently collecting new stuffed animals for the Cara’s Bears project. Please turn your donation in by December 1st! The animals can be of any size and will be donated to the Children’s Hospital and Fort Loudon Medical Center. Cara’s Bears benefits the March of Dimes – March for Babies program. More information is available here:
Thanksgiving Fellowship
Our annual Thanksgiving Fellowship will be Tuesday, November 22nd at 6:00 P.M. in the Fellowship Building. The Church will furnish the meat and drinks. You are asked to bring a side dish or dessert. Everyone is welcome. There will be no services Wednesday night, November 23.
Nov 20, 2016
Tiny Trees
We will be collecting 3 ft. Christmas Trees (Tiny Trees) for East Tennessee Children’s Hospital. The trees must be under 3 feet tall and all ornaments must be firmly attached to the trees. Walmart usually has these trees with white or multi-colored lights already attached. You just add ornaments. Children in the Hospital during the Christmas season will receive one to take home. Trees are due at the church on or before November 20th. If you have any questions see…
Operation Christmas Child
Get your shoeboxes in the sanctuary to the left side of the altar. The Deadline for packed shoeboxes to be turned in is Sunday, November 20th. Our goal this year is 225 Boxes!
Tween for a Day
Young Ladies come and be treated like you are the Queen for a day! Tween for a Day is a girls get together for a ‘ Ladies Tea’ do crafts, get gifts and much more!
Senior Adults – Big South Fork Scenic Railway
Come join the Senior Adults as they go to the Big South Fork Scenic Railway on Thursday, June 23, at 8:00 am. Cost is $22.00 plus Lunch. Please sign up outside of the pastor’s office if you are interested.
Bible Journaling
The Bible Journaling class will meet the second and fourth Thursday of each month, 6:00 to 8:00 pm, in the Fellowship Building. Beginners welcome. Bring a friend. OPEN TO ALL!!!
Bible Journaling Class
The Bible Journaling class will meet the second and fourth Thursday of each month, 6:00 to 8:00 pm, in the Fellowship Building. Beginners welcome. Bring a friend. OPEN TO ALL!!!
Act of Kindness Day
Small acts of kindness can change the world! Come join us at the church on Saturday May 7th where we will meet and then go out into the city to perform ‘Acts of Kindness” wherever we can. You can be a blessing to others as well as yourself!
Senior Adults – Strawberry Festival
Join the Senior Adults as they go to the Strawberry Festival on Friday May 6, at 9:00 am. Please sign up outside of the pastor’s office if you are interested.
Wednesday Night Supper
The Wednesday Night Suppers are scheduled for the first Wednesday of the month. The menu for May 4th is Spaghetti, Salad, Garlic Bread, Desserts and Drinks. Meals are served from 5:00 to 6:00 pm. The cost of the meal is $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for children 10 and under. Please sign up so we will know how much food to prepare.
May 1, 2016
River Oaks Ministry
Join us at 2:00 pm on the first Sunday of each month at the River Oaks Place in Lenoir City. A special service is held for the residents where God’s message is delivered, singing praises to the Lord and fellowship is provided to the elderly. This is a real opportunity to bless someone’s day. We are blessed to have some young musicians who really touch the hearts of their audience! We acknowledge birthdays and present a small gift to each one. After…