Letters from Roscoe – How does Your Garden Grow?

Letters from Roscoe – How does Your Garden Grow?

How does Your Garden Grow?

1 Corinthians 3:7 KJV – So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.

This was the Daily Bible Verse some time ago.  I both read it and watched a short video devotional about it’s central truth.  But there is not just one truth to be taken out of it, but several.

Don’t be too quick to take the credit! Without God none of it would happen.

If you’re a gardener this analogy is really simple and familiar.  And it applies to anything we produce.  If it were not for God, it wouldn’t happen.  You plant a garden, no matter how much you prepare, work to maintain by diligently weeding and watering it – if it’s not God’s will it will not produce a harvest.  God made the soil.  God produces the rainfall.  God made the perfect seed to produce the perfect plant.  But we are all too quick to claim that ‘Green Thumb’ status and forget to glorify God’s part in it.

How about if the fruit produced is not the physical fruit but the metaphorical fruit?  The product of our own ‘demented’ minds?  We tend to think that ‘we’ actually create things based on our own ideas and training.  But we are slow to thank God for the gifts he has given us to produce such things.

In that Garden there isn’t just one job to be done.  There are several!  What is yours?

Back to the garden analogy again, think about all the separate tasks that go into a successful garden.  While God could do it all on His own, he ‘wants’ us to help him.  He needs someone to prepare the soil. He needs someone to sow the seeds.  Keep out the weeds and animals.  To pollinate the plants.  To harvest the crop.  To enjoy the fruit of the labors.  Let’s take it to Church… Tom Brown and the Choir prepare the soil.  Brother Eddie sows the seeds.  The Deacons help to control the weeds and help to support the plants (lattice, climbing poles, etc.  We all should spread the good news (pollination).  We encourage one another through prayer and fellowship thus helping with the harvest.  And then when we sit back and look at what God has helped us to do we can be joyful that the harvest was bountiful and our fellowship has increased.

Who is the harvest for?  What’s in it for me?

Don’t be too quick to shout out “It’s all for the glory of God!”  It is, but there’s some side benefit too.  When you were a young Lad, did you ever do something together with your Father?  Did you enjoy that one on one time that you spent together?  When you completed a project and showed your work to him, didn’t you just puff up with pride when he complimented you on your achievement?  Just how good do you think you’ll feel when you get to Heaven and Jesus says to you:  “Well done my good and faithful servant?”

Take your time and find that project that you and God can work on together.  Enjoy that Father and Son time the way it was always meant to be.