Inquiring minds want to know …

Inquiring minds want to know …

Why did we decide to change to a new web site?  The current hosting provider wanted to charge extra for every additional feature; mailboxes, event calendar,etc…  We were very limited with what we could do with ‘canned’ and ‘beginner’ level web publishing tools.  WWDWWDIf you look around the website, you will see that the Event Calendar is much easier to use and update, sermons can be easily accessed and found. You can learn more about our church easier and faster than before.    The new website is built more for scrolling type devices, smart phones, tablets and IPADs.  It is also what they call ‘Responsive’ meaning the way it looks on one device will be the same on another.  These features go together to make our church more transparent and easily accessed for visitors and members alike!

Two things will prove to be very valuable for us going forward; the first is that the new site allows posts (like this one) to be made via email.  This will allow contributors like Pastors, Deacons or Sunday School Teachers (Howdy Cynthia Campbell!) to post lessons, or thoughts without having to know anything about the website.  All they have to do is be able to send an email.  The second thing is that posts sent in or published on the website are automatically uploaded to Facebook or Twitter or a variety of other social media systems.  This exposes many more people to God’s word and Highland Park Baptist Church.

By the way; if anyone would like to help with the care and feeding of the new website (Especially someone young! We need our Youth to help!) just let us know!