Ministries (Page 288)

Ministries (Page 288)

Daily Devotional – Released from Selfishness

Released from Selfishness By Billy Graham   •   July 8, 2016 He must increase, but I must decrease. —John 3:30 Self-centeredness is the basic cause of much of our distress in life. Hypochondria, a mental disorder which is accompanied by melancholy and depression, is often caused by self-pity and self-centeredness. Most of us suffer from spiritual nearsightedness. Our interests, our loves, and our energies are too often focused upon ourselves. Jesus underscored the fact that His disciples were to live outflowingly…

Daily Devotional – Our Many Blessings

Our Many Blessings By Billy Graham   •   July 7, 2016 Yea, the Lord shall give that which is good; and our land shall yield her increase. —Psalm 85:12 The great economic and material prosperity we are enjoying in the United States today is a gift of God’s hand. The Bible tells us that the very goodness of God should lead us to repentance. All of these material blessings are gifts from God, given in order that we might humble ourselves,…

Daily Devotional – The Peace of Jesus

The Peace of Jesus By Billy Graham • July 6, 2016 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. —John 16:33 The peace that Jesus came to bring was not the peace of appeasement, or the peace of compromise and conformity. It was a spiritual peace. The world doesn’t give peace, for it doesn’t have any peace…

Daily Devotional – A Clear Message

A Clear Message By Billy Graham • July 5 ,2016 The law of the Lord is perfect . . . —Psalm 19:7 The Bible is the constitution of Christianity. Just as the United States Constitution is not of any private interpretation, neither is the Bible of any private interpretation. Just as the Constitution includes all who live under its stated domain, without exception, so the Bible includes all who live under its stated domain, without exception. God’s laws for the…

Daily Devotional – Religious Freedom

Religious Freedom By Billy Graham • July 4, 2016 Fear God and honor the government. —1 Peter 2:17 (TLB) On this Independence Day we should be on our knees thanking God for all He has given us. The United States is a country in which everyone has an equal opportunity. Thank God for a country where there is no caste or class to keep a man from going to the top. If a man has a will to work and…

Daily Devotional – The Highest Law

The Highest Law By Billy Graham • July 3, 2016 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable . . . —2 Timothy 3:16 The men who framed our Constitution knew they were writing the basic document for a government of free men; they recognized that men could live as free and independent beings only if each one knew and understood the law. They were to know their rights, their privileges, and their limitations. They were to…