Daily Devotional (Page 16)
How Will You Live?
How Will You Live? By Billy Graham • February 18, 2017 And Jesus said, . . . and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven. —Mark 14:62 The world in which we live is full of pessimism. No Christian has the scriptural right to go around wringing his hands wondering what we are to do in the face of the present world situation. The Scripture says…
Our Eternal Home
Our Eternal Home By Billy Graham • February 17, 2017 I create new heavens . . . —Isaiah 65:17 What kind of place is heaven? First, heaven is home. The Bible takes the word “home” with all of its tender associations and with all of its sacred memories and tells us that heaven is home. Second, heaven is a home which is permanent. We have the promise of a home where Christ’s followers will remain forever. Third, the Bible teaches…
Living Enthusiastically for God By Billy Graham • February 16, 2016 Good salt is worthless if it loses its saltiness; it can’t season anything. So don’t lose your flavor! —Mark 9:50 (TLB) Columbus was called mad because he decided to sail the uncharted ocean. . . . Martin Luther was called mad because he presumed to defy the entrenched religious hierarchy of his time. Patrick Henry was considered mad when he cried, “Give me liberty, or give me death!” George…
The Ultimate Peace
The Ultimate Peace By Billy Graham • February 15, 2017 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you . . . —John 14:27 Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.” Where does peacemaking begin? How can we become peacemakers? Can peace be discovered within ourselves? Freud has told us that peace is but a mental attitude. Cast off our phobias, shed our neuroses, and “bingo!”-we’ll have the coveted peace…
The Mystery of His Love
The Mystery of His Love By Billy Graham • February 14, 2017 I have loved thee with an everlasting love . . . —Jeremiah 31:3 No human experience can fully illustrate the imputed righteousness of God, as conceived by His infinite love. It is a mystery-incomprehensible and inexplicable. Like the mystery of the sun’s heat and light, we cannot measure it or explain it, and yet we could not live without it. Writing of the mystery of completed righteousness, Paul…
Chosen by God
Chosen by God By Billy Graham • February 13, 2017 . . . you have been chosen by God who has given you this new kind of life . . . —Colossians 3:12 (TLB) Modern writers depict the pessimism of our time and many of them throw up their hands in despair and say, “There is no answer to man’s dilemma.” Hemingway once said, “I live in a vacuum that is as lonely as a radio tube when the batteries…
Feeling the Hurts of Others
Feeling the Hurts of Others By Billy Graham • February 12, 2017 He that loveth his brother abideth in the light . . . —1 John 2:10 This age in which we live could hardly be described as conducive to a sensitiveness of the needs of others. We have developed a veneer of sophistication and hardness. Abraham Lincoln once said, characteristically, “I am sorry for the man who can’t feel the whip when it is laid on the other man’s…
His Timing Is Perfect
His Timing Is Perfect By Billy Graham • February 11, 2017 . . . that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. —Romans 12:2 God has a plan for the life of every Christian. Every circumstance, every turn of destiny, is for your good. It is working together for completeness. His plan for you is being perfected. All things working together for your good and for His glory. As a young Christian, Ruth,…
God Made You
God Made You By Billy Graham • February 10, 2017 Our fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ. —1 John 1:3 God made you! You were fashioned in His own image! You were made in the image and likeness of the Creator. God had a purpose in making you. His primary purpose is that you would have fellowship with Him. If man does not have fellowship with God, he is lost, confused, and bewildered. Since he does…
Life Changing Power
Life Changing Power By Billy Graham • February 9, 2017 I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. —Galatians 2:20 One day, by a simple act of faith, I decided to take Jesus Christ at His word. I could not come by way of the intellect alone; no one can. That does not mean that we reject reason. God has given us minds and the ability to reason wherever reason…
Power Over Sin
Power Over Sin By Billy Graham • February 8, 2017 Those who belong to Christ have nailed their natural evil desires to his cross and crucified them there. —Galatians 5:24 (TLB) The strength for our conquering and our victory is drawn continually from Christ. The Bible does not teach that sin is completely eradicated from the Christian in this life, but it does teach that sin shall no longer reign over you. The strength and power of sin have been…
Giving Back What Is His
Giving Back What Is His By Billy Graham • February 7, 2018 “But if someone who is supposed to be a Christian has money enough to live well, and sees a brother in need, and won’t help him – how can God’s love be within him?” —1 John 3:17 (TLB) You know that the hardest thing for you to give up is your money. It represents your time, your energy, your talents, your total personality converted into currency. We usually…