Letters from Roscoe (Page 8)

Letters from Roscoe (Page 8)

Going Home

This week Cindy and I traveled south to visit an elderly aunt of mine that lives near the coast in Florida’s panhandle.  To get there, we had to pass through my old home town.  Things have really changed in the forty plus years since I left. Throughout the trip I felt like God was trying to tell me something.  I would see things and feel like there was a message in what I was seeing and that I needed to…

Letters from Roscoe – Lord, I think I’m going to need a push…

Lord, I think I’m going to need a push… God answers our prayers. He answers the big ones, and the small ones.  Nothing is too small to ask for God’s help with.  As I understand it, God wants us to be in prayer with him always.  Had a good day?  Stop and tell God about it.  Praise Him for it, because HE is the one that gave it to you.  Got a complaint?  He’s listening.  God wants us to talk…

What Difference would it Make?

What Difference would it Make? Howdy.  Roscoe here and I have my ‘Christian in Training’ hat on.  I am just trying to work my way through some things.  Hopefully, my out loud thinking will strike a chord with someone else as well. This morning, I was watching a music video by Clay Aikens singing ‘Mary, Did You Know?’  The video showed images of Christ performing miracles and being crucified.  For some reason the thought occurred to me; that if the…

Letters from Roscoe – To Be Used by God

The other day I published another posting in the  Letters from Roscoe series.  Since then, I have watched that one post climb to over two hundred reads and shares on Facebook.  While certainly not viral, it is comforting to know that others are seeing these posts and getting some joy or satisfaction out of reading them. I would like to tell you a little bit about the ‘experience’ of writing that particular letter. As I watched the movie, Miracles from Heaven, I felt God talking to…

Letters from Roscoe – My Garden in Heaven

My Garden in Heaven In my Father’s house are many mansions:  if it were not so, I would have told you.  I go to prepare a place for you.  – John 14:2 KJV   Tonight I watched a movie called ‘Miracles from Heaven’.  Based on real events the story chronicles the sickness of a small Burleson, Texas girl and her miraculous healing when she fell thirty feet onto her head inside of a hollow oak tree.  While she was unconscious…

Letters from Roscoe: It’s really a Simple Subject. Why Do We Make it so Hard?

It’s really a Simple Subject.  Why Do We Make it so Hard?  Howdy folks!  Today we were back in our Church for the first time in several months.  It felt good! It felt good to know that we had been missed.  It also felt good to be together with our Church Family and rejoin the fellowship and wholeness that we feel when we are together in His house.  So many smiling faces, so many friends and loving neighbors.  God is…


Did you read this morning’s Devotional?  (https://www.highlandparklc.com/unspeakable-joy/ ) The title “Unspeakable Joy” could not be more appropriate than now!  Christianity and all religions are being attacked from every side. Just this morning I watched a news article about a memorandum published by a school district banning certain types of music on school buses.  Among the banned music types were ‘Rap’ and ‘Religious’. The backlash to this memo began quickly.  A female spokesperson stated that “The ban was racist and targeted…

Letters from Roscoe – The Aha! Moment

Wow!  Did you read today’s Daily Devotional from Billy Graham ‘God Provides’?  In it, Dr. Graham explains how we exchange our bodies (currently just a  tent) for a permanent house in heaven.  But the big statement that made me go ‘Wow!’ is this one: “Do you think that God, who has provided so amply for living, has made no provision for dying?” If you have ever questioned your own presence here in the world, and the presence of a God and…

Letters from Roscoe – All In?

All in? Howdy everyone.  It’s been a while, this may be a bit of a rambler, and by that, I don’t mean the car. Anyway, here goes.  When Cindy and I got married, we both went ‘All In’. We didn’t keep separate bank accounts, there wasn’t any of “This is mine.” and “That’s yours.”  Starting on day one, it was ‘Ours’.  We both bought into the whole package.  We put both feet into the ring and we didn’t keep one…

Letters from Roscoe – Am I the same as Judas Iscariot?

Am I the same as Judas Iscariot? I’ve been reading again. Well, actually I am still on the same book; Twelve Ordinary Men by John MacArthur.  I read like my mom did.  Three pages a day – first I read the last page I read the night before, then I read a new page, and then I fall asleep on the third page.  If I repeat this cycle enough times, I’ll finish a book every now and then. I am…

Letters from Roscoe – The Blessing of Unshakable Faith

The Blessing of Unshakable Faith How strong is your faith in the Lord Jesus? My wife has unshakable faith in Jesus Christ.  She believes in him with all her heart and soul.  She may question things but she never doubts or questions her belief in Him. Me?  To be honest, not so much.  I am weak.  My faith is weak. Did you ever hear the statement? ‘Too smart for your own good.’  That fits me to a T.  Don’t get…

Letters from Roscoe – God is with me. Always

Do you look for signs that God is watching over you?  Do you feel that he is with you? Yesterday, a friend of mine posted this on Facebook, “Funny how we don’t always see God’s hand as he moves us out of harm’s way.” This is so true.  I know it is. You see, I am looking for a motorcycle.  I found one in Clemson, South Carolina and went there yesterday to buy it.  It was a 1996 BMW 1100…