Letters from Roscoe (Page 5)

Letters from Roscoe (Page 5)


Waiting The other day, the devotional from ‘Our Daily Bread’ was titled ‘Going First’ and it spoke of how God loved us FIRST.  About how we didn’t have to do anything, he just loved us! It was a very good devotional, and it got me to thinking.  About how God did love us first, about how He loved me first, and then He waited for me to return that love. And He waited . . . And He waited .…

How do you know your life is about to get better?

How do you know your life is about to get better? It’s when you wake up during the night with a repeating line of song in your head . . . “for I’m a part of the family, the Family of God.” And then it starts over again. It’s when you learn that you really weren’t as happy as you thought you were. It’s when you witness for the first time in your life genuine Christian behavior. It’s when you…

We are the Notes in God’s Symphony.  He arranges Us and . . .

Thursday morning (June 29, 2017) I wrote a Roscoe letter titled “Lord I’m not a Preacher!”  You can read it at this link https://www.highlandparklc.com/lord-im-not-preacher/  that same afternoon, a close friend of mine who reads the Letters from Roscoe handed me this printed letter that he had written a few days earlier (June 26, 2017).  The last line was hand written. I am sharing it with you as exactly as it was given to me in written form. I awakened this…

But Lord, I’m not a Preacher . . .

I’m not qualified to preach to someone, but lately I’ve felt God telling me to write something about this subject.  I’ve thought to myself, that sounds right but I don’t want to be ‘preaching’ to anyone.  I don’t know enough. Then as I was publishing this morning’s devotional (By the way it comes from Our Daily Bread. ODB.org ) I read something that sealed it.  Wham!  Bam! Case closed! So here it is. I’ve been thinking about how far I’ve…


Yesterday I had something of a business crisis come up.  I was up near Johnson City, and I needed to get to Chattanooga to handle it.  A client was stating that I had missed something on a boat survey and now he was in dire straits because of it.  He said I needed to come see it first hand.  So I told him I would be there, got my things together and hopped into the car.  As I begin the…


Disappointment I usually write about good things.  Today, I write about Disappointment. I am a little ashamed and by way of this letter am spreading the wealth so to speak with my children. Our family has an elderly friend who for one reason or another has alienated or been alienated by her natural family.  We try to help her out whenever we can.  Usually, it’s small stuff she doesn’t want to be an imposition anymore that we would.  But recently,…

You see, it’s not Just Me!

You see, it’s not just Me! I’m not the only one who has the experiences that I write about.  A friend of mine wrote me a letter talking about some of his most recent ‘God Moments’ as he calls them.  I thought I would share them with you. He writes, ‘We have season passes to Dollywood and so we spent Tuesday at the park.  We had a few things we wanted to do and got there fairly early, so we…

You’re What?

You’re What? A very good friend of mine who usually has a comment about my posts has been strangely silent since my last one.  He and his wife came to visit Cindy and I on our boat yesterday and I found out why.  I was quite surprised when he said that my last Letter from Roscoe left him in a state where he “Just didn’t know what to say.”  A condition that is quite unusual for this man.  (Chuckle, chuckle)…

Thank You God!

Thank You God! I thought I would just let you know we serve an awesome God!  I have been working to improve my ‘prayer life’ and improve the relationship that God and I have together.  Lately, I’ve been a prayin’ and he’s been answerin’! For instance, Ed McGill fell last Saturday.  I prayed that God would heal him.  Sure enough, Wednesday night came, and there is Ed McGill sitting at the door of the Church when I walk in.  Another…

You Want Me To Do What?

A couple of weeks ago, Doug Reynolds, the Leader of the ‘Young Adults in Denial’ Sunday School class stopped me just before morning services started.  He said that he and Carol would be going on vacation soon and asked if I would do the lesson for today, May 21st. Despite my shock (Because if there is anyone not qualified to lead a Sunday School class, I would think it’d be me!) I said “Sure.”  But, what else could I say? …

A Voice from the Past

I received a letter yesterday from a dear friend and co-worker at American Airlines.  I have referred to him or his actions several times in past letters.  Jeff was one of the first ‘real’ Christians that I met as an adult and I didn’t even realize it at the time.  I thought I would share parts of his letter with you because it blessed me, and I hope you will find a blessing in it as well. – Roscoe (Christian…


Dominoes What a really great morning it was today!  The Men’s breakfast was great!  Even though a couple of the regulars were missing (And we did miss you!) we were still blessed with fifteen Christian Men sitting down to fellowship by sharing a good breakfast, praising God with beautiful music and hearing his word delivered. In his message today, Jim Best (With God’s help I’m sure . . .) managed to penetrate my thick skull with probably something very basic…