Letters from Roscoe (Page 3)

Letters from Roscoe (Page 3)

Letters from Roscoe

What was God thinking when He made you?   Did you ever stop and think . . . What was God thinking when He created you? Do you think He knew that you would be so flawed?  Did He know that you would one day wander so far away from him?  Did He know that you would one day break his commandments?  Not just once but many times? Did He know that you would be so weak and would sin…

Letters from Roscoe

And there I was . . . Recently, I had taken Cindy to see the Ortho doctor at Tennova Turkey Creek.  We had finished at the doctor and I had wheeled Cindy back down to the valet to pick up our car.  While we were waiting, a man struck up a conversation with us.  It must have taken a while to get the car because by the time the valet returned we had finished with broken legs and gotten around…

Letters from Roscoe

Friendship in Christ I’m sitting here in the hospital waiting room. Cindy is being prepped for surgery and I am feeling loved. When we arrived here at the hospital our pastor, Brother Eddie was here to meet us and to pray with us. Our dear friend Gene came in to see Cindy and deliver a card from Carolyn and although they have both left for now, I am feeling loved. Since Cindy injured her leg two weeks ago our circle…

Letters from Roscoe

In the Eye of the Storm   Howdy everyone.  Roscoe here.  This may not speak well of my own personal character, but I thought I would tell you anyway. I have often wondered why my life (and that of my sisters!) has been so blessed by God over the years. I do not boast when I say that!  It is not my doing!  It is all God. I was listening to the lyrics of the song ‘In the Eye of…

Letters from Roscoe

A Fervent Prayer   We were boarding the plane in Boston on our homeward bound flight.  The flight was going to last about three hours and I had booked the tickets late, so we were seated in row 39, seats A and C all the way at the very back of the plane.   This row of seats was all that was left. The up side was that no one was sitting in the seat between us . . . yet.…

Letters from Roscoe – You’ve Got . . . Homework!

You’ve got . . . Homework!   Troy, not to be satisfied with one Roscoe story keeps asking for another ‘Roscoe Book’.  He may get it but I’ve got news for him!  There’s going to be a big plot twist. I’m not going to write it. YOU are. You see, yesterday, I was cooking at the Men’s Breakfast.  Actually, I think I was at about the two and a half pound mark in cooking a three pound slab of bacon…

Letters from Roscoe – The DI

The DI   Troy’s been asking to hear from Roscoe.  So, here’s one for Troy. We all make mistakes. Sometimes they’re little ones.  Sometimes they’re so big that we think they are life-ending. But we ALL make them. Sometimes you can have a ‘do over’.  Once after the Men’s Breakfast we were doing the dishes and I had my hands in the dishwater.  I need to let you know though that the problem with scrambled eggs is that after they’ve…

Letters from Roscoe – Him

Him This letter was written for and presented at the Men and Women of Grace Luncheon held on March 17, 2018 You probably know already my Dad died when I was young.  He had pancreatic cancer and some of the memories I have of him before he died are not good ones.  So I tend to not remember a lot of things from that time. After he died, my mom did her best to raise four young children on her…

Letters from Roscoe – It’s Not too Late!

It’s Not too Late! From a friend, He had a BIG God moment yesterday and I had to share it! My grandmother (Mom’s mother, I call her Mamaw) is 97 and fell and broke her hip last week. She was due to have surgery, but her kidneys and heart were not stable. She kept getting worse until a doctor said she didn’t look like she was going to make it. We all came in to say our goodbyes to her.…

It’s Right There . . .

It’s right there  . . . Howdy everyone.  Long time no see, no hear, no talk, no nothing. I’ve been on a self-imposed hiatus from writing more of the Letters from Roscoe.  Some of it because I got a case of ‘cabeza grande’, some of it because lately I’ve been having a contest of wills with the Lord. Actually, to put the last one more plainly let’s just say I’ve been ‘Muy loco en la cabeza!” Sorry.  If you don’t…

Traveling down Sanctification Road

Traveling down Sanctification Road It’s been a while since I wrote to you.  Not that I haven’t tried, I have tried several times.  I would have what I thought was an inspiration, and before I knew it, the idea would fade away like a match reaching its end.  Or perhaps I would read it and come to the conclusion that I am preaching and I do not know near enough to do that.  So there are now several started but…

Answered Prayers

Answered Prayers What a great day it’s been! First, I couldn’t get into my car.  Seriously, I couldn’t get into my car.  I had the keys in my hand, the key turned in the lock but didn’t do anything.  Both key fobs seemed to be as dead as doornails . . .  what to do?  What to do?   I went to God’s house. When I got there I got to tell my praise. Last night at dinner, we had eaten…