Letters from Roscoe
Letters from Roscoe – How does Your Garden Grow?
How does Your Garden Grow? 1 Corinthians 3:7 KJV – So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase. This was the Daily Bible Verse some time ago. I both read it and watched a short video devotional about it’s central truth. But there is not just one truth to be taken out of it, but several. Don’t be too quick to take the credit! Without God none of it…
The Letters from Roscoe – The Loneliest Man in Heaven
The Loneliest Man in Heaven The man rose up from the baptismal waters, the preacher’s hands supporting his shoulders as he broke the surface. He could feel his sin being washed away as the water fell from his skin and hair and the joy that he felt was incredible. As if a gigantic weight had been removed the man almost bounced up and out of the waters. A smile was spreading across his face, and the preacher asked him if…
The Letters from Roscoe – God Knows
God Knows God knows what is going on even when we don’t have a clue. Yesterday, I was shopping at Gordon Food Service to support the Wednesday Night Suppers and the Gospel Project ministries. Sherry Burger had given me a list of the supplies she needed and I figured I would go ahead and purchase what I would need for the next week’s Wednesday Night Supper on March 27th; Pinto Beans, Smoked Sausage, Cornbread and Cole Slaw. I was able…
The Letters From Roscoe – Have You Placed Yourself on the Altar?
Have You Placed Yourself on the Altar? Okay, this isn’t really a Roscoe letter. But it is something important. I presented this at last Saturday’s Men’s Prayer Breakfast and it was well received. Unfortunately there were only seven men present. Hence it being sent out in this manner to get more exposure. Our Church like lots of churches needs people to step up and serve Christ. Please read with an open mind and a willing heart. If you are reading…
The Letters from Roscoe – Who is More Important to You?
Who is More Important to You? OMG! OMG! Oh My Goodness! Bubba had messed up. He had been doing something that he thought no one would see. But it slipped out! And all of a sudden Bubba’s secret was out there waving in the wind like a pair of dirty long johns on the flagpole. But Bubba had scrambled and managed to cover his tracks before anyone could see his dirty laundry signaling everyone with a “Hey! Lookie, lookie, lookie! …
Righteous Indignation – The Letters from Roscoe – July 31, 2022
Righteous Indignation? I am angry. I am hurt. I feel that what has been said to me would make anyone explode in ‘righteous indignation’. But I can’t let it. I must become smaller. (To the one who has made me so angry let me explain.) John the Baptist upon hearing that Jesus was performing baptisms told his followers “He must increase, but I must decrease.” He was acknowledging that he was merely ‘preparing the way’ for the coming of Jesus…
Letters from Roscoe
I met a Man . . . The weather that day was looking gloomy. A front was moving through and on its edge were thunderstorms and rain and gusty winds. It was not going to be a dry day for me I thought as I set out to go to my job that day. Because of the bad weather I ended up doing most of my work ashore. So when it came time for the sea trial and to put…
The Letters from Roscoe
When Satan doesn’t want us to Hear The other night, I watched God’s Not Dead for the third time. But it was actually the first time. The previous times we had watched the movie, I would fall asleep without fail. In minutes I would be as if I had been drugged. Tonight though was different. Cindy had been watching it, and I came into the room near the end. I sat down and witnessed ‘Grace’ being acted out on the…
The Letters from Roscoe
This is my Story. This is my Song . . . April 21, 2016. That was the day I published the first installment of the Letters from Roscoe. Seventy nine all told. More than that if you include the ones I wrote but never published. I am writing less now than when I first started but I remain hopeful that God will continue to use me to communicate to you through this medium. I thought I’d share with you a…
The letters from roscoe
It’s ‘Go’ Time! A couple of Sunday evenings ago Brother Eddie preached a message called “Go” based on Matthew 28:20. The King James Version reads: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. That message struck a chord with me. I had been thinking that “I” was seeing a decline in participation in our Church. I was thinking that people aren’t stepping…
The Letters from Roscoe
We Interrupt this Broadcast . . . So very sorry for there not being a Facebook Live video of the singing and Jim Best’s message at the Men’s Prayer Breakfast this morning! It was all my fault but if I look for God in what happened it makes sense. I woke up this morning at 4:00 AM. I had the alarm set for 4:45 AM and I tried to go back to sleep. But, I just couldn’t do it so…
The Letters from Roscoe
The Conversation The old man awoke as the sun was rising as was his habit. He sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed the sleep from his eyes and just sat there for a moment feeling his body wake up. After a couple of moments he was able to stand and begin to walk to the bathroom. Along the way his journey was punctuated by sharp pops and snaps as the kinks slowly worked out of his joints. …