But it’s such a BIG world!

But it’s such a BIG world!

But it’s such a BIG world!

I read a quote recently that really intrigued me.  Especially if you place it alongside what our Pastor said the other day, I’ll paraphrase because my memory is kind of like my wallet.  Full of holes.  He said, “We should be like Christ in everything that we do, and we should be like that all the time.”

And the quote that I read was this:

“The man who lives in a small community lives in a much larger world.” – G. K. Chesterton

That statement if you think about it has tremendous implications.  Especially if you live in a small city like ours.

When the pastor challenges us to get out there and show the world what Christians are supposed to speak, act and dress like.  We often think of ourselves as being just one person trying to effect change on millions of people that don’t want it.   We quickly tell ourselves how futile it is for us to try to do anything to change the direction our world is heading in.  We limit ourselves because we are thinking way to big.

Trying to change the world is too daunting a task.

If we drop a pebble into the ocean the ripples are quickly covered over by the action of the waves.  But if we drop the same pebble into the calmer waters of a small pool, those same ripples rapidly spread from side to side of the pool and can even begin to reflect back to us.

We just need to think smaller.  Much smaller.

If we want to change the world, we can do it.  We just start with the ‘small pool’ of people around us.

Don’t worry about being the odd duck in the pool of thousands.  Just stand out amongst your friends and your community.  If you let the light of Christ shine through you and onto your family and social circle at every opportunity you will eventually see His light being reflected back at you.  Kind of like paying it forward.

Now if you’re a little rusty on being a good Christian, here are some helps.

  1. For just a moment believe that everyone else is as good as you think you are.
  2. Ask a good friend to secretly video you for a day without your knowledge. Then watch what they saw later when you’re alone.
  3. When you are about to tip your server give them the benefit of the doubt, was it really their fault that maybe the food wasn’t as good as you wanted it to be?
  4. Maybe the Lord placed that slow person in the line ahead of you for something else to happen at the time of his choosing.
  5. Take every opportunity possible to ‘do’ for others.  Not out of servitude but out of love.
  6. Don’t be afraid to be the only one at the table that bows their head to give thanks.  Most likely you will be the one with the most courage.
  7. Thank someone for that smile they just gave you. They may be having a bad day and could have just given you their last one.  (Don’t be afraid to give one of yours away in return.  If you’re truly a Christian you’ve got a lot to smile about and a lot of smiles to share.)
  8. Listen more . . . and talk less but with more kindness.
  9. Love as Christ did. Without end.
  10. And finally, in everything give thanks to God.

By the way, remember that movie a few years ago called Pay It Forward?  Do you know where the idea of paying it forward really originated?


. . . with Jesus Christ

One Comment


    Reminds me of the song we used to sing in Bible School.. “Brighten the corner where you are”.

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