HPBC Daily Blog (Page 237)

HPBC Daily Blog (Page 237)

Are You Being Prepared?

Are You Being Prepared? From Our Daily Bread –  July 15, 2017     Read: 1 Samuel 17:8, 32–37, 48–50 | Bible in a Year: Psalms 13–15; Acts 19:21–41  The Lord who rescued me from the paw of the lion and . . . the bear will rescue me. 1 Samuel 17:37 I worked at a fast-food restaurant for over two years in high school. Some aspects of the job were difficult. Customers verbalized their anger while I apologized for the unwanted slice of cheese on the sandwich…

Where IS your Umbrella?

Where IS your Umbrella? Sometimes when I’m writing, I feel that I am writing something and the Lord isn’t in agreement with it.  I know that because I struggle with the words.  I type and type then I go back and delete and delete.  Eventually, I get it through my thick head that the Lord doesn’t want to say this at this particular time. So I ‘park’ it.  I just save the file with the notion that it will be…

Face to Face

Face to Face July 14, 2017 Read: Exodus 33:7–14 The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend.—Exodus 33:11 Although the world is connected electronically like never before, nothing beats time together in person. As we share and laugh together, we can often sense—almost unconsciously—the other person’s emotions by watching their facial movements. Those who love each other, whether family or friends, like to share with each other face to face. We see this face-to-face relationship between…

Intimate Details

Intimate Details From Our Daily Bread – July 13, 2017 Read: Psalm 139:1–18 You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar.—Psalm 139:2 The universe is astonishingly grand. Right now the moon is spinning around us at nearly 2,300 miles an hour. Our Earth is spinning around the sun at 66,000 miles an hour. Our sun is one of 200 billion other stars and trillions more planets in our galaxy, and that galaxy is just…

A Balanced Understanding of God (Part 2)

A Balanced Understanding of God In my last post I posed questions for study about a mature understanding of God. This post is the follow-up I promised that hopefully helps guide the reader to this understanding. I hope you enjoy the study. As always, comments are welcome. We will now try to answer a question many often ask.  How can God be a God of love and a God of judgment at the same time?  Why can we just not…

Approaching God

Approaching God From Our Daily Bread – July 12, 2017 Read: Hebrews 4:14–16 But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge.—Psalm 73:28 A woman desiring to pray grabbed an empty chair and knelt before it. In tears, she said, “My dear heavenly Father, please sit down here; you and I need to talk!” Then, looking directly at the vacant chair, she prayed. She demonstrated confidence in approaching the Lord; she imagined He was sitting on the…

I saw Jesus Last Night

I saw Jesus Last Night When I saw him, it was while I was attending Vacation Bible School for the second time in my life.  He was wearing work clothes.  He was sweaty and a little dirty from his day’s labor at his regular job.  He moved rapidly from one task to the next working to help support the VBS program. I could tell it was Jesus because of the smile on his face.  He said that this was the…