Church Blog (Page 205)

Church Blog (Page 205)

As Advertised

As Advertised June 16, 2018 Read: John 16:25–33 | Bible in a Year: Nehemiah 4–6; Acts 2:22–47 In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33 During a vacation, my husband and I signed up for a leisurely rafting tour down Georgia’s Chattahoochee River. Dressed in sandals, a sundress, and a wide brimmed hat, I groaned when we discovered—contrary to the advertisement—that the trip included light rapids. Thankfully, we rode with a…


“Lovable!” June 15, 2018 Read: Jeremiah 31:1–6 | Bible in a Year: Nehemiah 1–3; Acts 2:1–21 I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness. Jeremiah 31:3 “Lovable!” That exclamation came from my daughter as she got ready one morning. I didn’t know what she meant. Then she tapped her shirt, a hand-me-down from a cousin. Across the front was that word: “Lovable.” I gave her a big hug, and she smiled with pure…

Quieting the Critic

Quieting the Critic June 14, 2018 Read: Nehemiah 4:1–6 | Bible in a Year: Ezra 9–10; Acts 1 Hear us, our God, for we are despised. Turn their insults back on their own heads. Nehemiah 4:4 I work with a team to put on an annual community event. We spend eleven months plotting many details to ensure the event’s success. We choose the date and venue. We set ticket prices. We select everything from food vendors to sound technicians. As…

Humble Love

Humble Love June 13, 2018 Read: Philippians 2:1–11 | Bible in a Year: Ezra 6–8; John 21 The greatest among you will be your servant. Matthew 23:11 When Benjamin Franklin was a young man he made a list of twelve virtues he desired to grow in over the course of his life. He showed it to a friend, who suggested he add “humility” to it. Franklin liked the idea. He then added some guidelines to help him with each item…

Called by Name

 Called by Name Read: John 20:11–18 | Bible in a Year: Ezra 3–5; John 20 Jesus said to her, “Mary.” She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic, “Rabboni!” John 20:16 Advertisers have concluded that the most attention-grabbing word that viewers react to is their own name. Thus a television channel in the UK has introduced personalized advertisements with their online streaming services. We might enjoy hearing our name on television, but it doesn’t mean much without the…

Advice from My Father

Advice from My Father June 11, 2018 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5 After being laid off from an editorial job, I prayed, asking for God to help me find a new one. But when weeks went by and nothing came of my attempts at networking and filling out applications, I began to pout. “Don’t You know how important it is that I have a job?” I asked God,…