Posts by HPBC (Page 317)

Posts by HPBC (Page 317)

Daily Devotional – “Do You Now Believe?”

“Do You Now Believe?” from February 28, 2016  “By this we believe….” Jesus answered them, “Do you now believe?” —John 16:30-31  “Now we believe….” But Jesus asks, “Do you…? Indeed the hour is coming…that you…will leave Me alone” (John 16:31-32). Many Christian workers have left Jesus Christ alone and yet tried to serve Him out of a sense of duty, or because they sense a need as a result of their own discernment. The reason for this is actually…

Daily Devotional – The Impoverished Ministry of Jesus

The Impoverished Ministry of Jesus from February 27, 2016  Where then do You get that living water? —John 4:11  “The well is deep” — and even a great deal deeper than the Samaritan woman knew! (John 4:11). Think of the depths of human nature and human life; think of the depth of the “wells” in you. Have you been limiting, or impoverishing, the ministry of Jesus to the point that He is unable to work in your life? Suppose…

Daily Devotional – Our Misgivings About Jesus

Our Misgivings About Jesus from February 26, 2016 The woman said to Him, “Sir, You have nothing to draw [water] with, and the well is deep.” —John 4:11  Have you ever said to yourself, “I am impressed with the wonderful truths of God’s Word, but He can’t really expect me to live up to that and work all those details into my life!” When it comes to confronting Jesus Christ on the basis of His qualities and abilities, our…

Daily Devotional – The Destitution of Service

The Destitution of Service from February 25, 2016 …though the more abundantly I love you, the less I am loved. —2 Corinthians 12:15 Natural human love expects something in return. But Paul is saying, “It doesn’t really matter to me whether you love me or not. I am willing to be completely destitute anyway; willing to be poverty-stricken, not just for your sakes, but also that I may be able to get you to God.” “For you know the…

Acts of Kindness

Daily Devotional – The Delight of Sacrifice

The Delight of Sacrifice February 24, 2016 I will very gladly spend and be spent for your souls… —2 Corinthians 12:15  Once “the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit,” we deliberately begin to identify ourselves with Jesus Christ’s interests and purposes in others’ lives (Romans 5:5). And Jesus has an interest in every individual person. We have no right in Christian service to be guided by our own interests and desires. In…

Daily Devotional – The Determination to Serve

The Determination to Serve – From February 23, 2016 The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve… —Matthew 20:28 Jesus also said, “Yet I am among you as the One who serves” (Luke 22:27). Paul’s idea of service was the same as our Lord’s— “…ourselves your bondservants for Jesus’ sake” (2 Corinthians 4:5). We somehow have the idea that a person called to the ministry is called to be different and above other people.…