You Want Me To Do What?

You Want Me To Do What?

A couple of weeks ago, Doug Reynolds, the Leader of the ‘Young Adults in Denial’ Sunday School class stopped me just before morning services started.  He said that he and Carol would be going on vacation soon and asked if I would do the lesson for today, May 21st.

Despite my shock (Because if there is anyone not qualified to lead a Sunday School class, I would think it’d be me!) I said “Sure.”  But, what else could I say?  While I know Doug isn’t some ‘Illustrious Potentate’ he is here asking me to do something for God.  Do you say ‘No’?


Anyway, I said “Yes.” and started preparing as soon as I could.  (And that too is so unlike me.  If you look up ‘photo-finish’ in the dictionary, you’ll see my picture.)  Preparations weren’t too difficult, I just thought of the one subject that I need to improve the most on personally and began preparing a lesson.


I wrote out the lesson, I researched the Bible verses I needed, and I prayed about it. 

Well, Today was the day!  I can’t say I taught it, but I can say I led it.  God did the rest.  Because of Him, I had a class that was interested, I had a class that participated, and I had a class that carried me all the way through the fastest 45 minutes I’ve spent in a long time.  (Just in case you’re interested, I’ve attached the lesson handout to the end of this post.)

Thank you Lord.

So it’s been a good day!  And then when I was up at Wally-world a while ago, I saw something that made me smile.  I’m pretty sure it made God smile too.

I saw a man walking through the store when he stopped suddenly.  Seeing some bills lying on the floor he picked them up, and turned to the closest people around and asked if the money belonged to them.  They said “No.”  So he went around to the next aisle looking for the owner of the money.

Not finding anyone, he put it in his pocket.  But he didn’t look comfortable.

He was kind of antsy, if you know what I mean.  Anyway, I was checking out about that time and saw him go through the checkout shortly after I’d finished.

As I was waiting for a friend to finish shopping I again saw the man who had found the money waiting near the exit. He still looked distracted and nervous like there’s a conversation going on within him.  After a minute or so, he seemed to make a decision.  When no one was looking, he reached into his pocket pulled out the bills and tossed them onto the bench near the exit.  And then he just left.

It wasn’t more than a minute later someone walking by, saw the money and scooped it up.

Here’s my take.  The man found the money and he tried to find its owner.  But when he couldn’t he still felt bad about holding onto it.  I think he was being ‘told not to keep it’.  Perhaps the Holy Spirit was telling him that money was meant for someone else.  Maybe that was the ‘internal’ conversation that was taking place.  Anyway, I believe the Holy Spirit won out.

Someone needed some money, and God pulled some ‘strings’ to get it to them and I got the blessing of watching it all happen.

After all, He is an awesome God.


The Five W’s of Prayer

What is a Prayer?

noun: prayer; plural noun: prayers
A solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God or an object of worship.

Prayer as a ‘direct conversation’ with God does not occur in the Old Testament.  While the phrase “I pray thee” fills the Old Testament, you do not see ‘Prayer’ because ‘we’ had no direct conversation with God, it was mostly through priests and other holy-men.  It wasn’t until Christ began His ministry that we see the first use of the word ‘pray’ as the act of communicating directly with God. (Matthew 5:44)  As Christ became our intercessor, it is through Him that we are able to converse directly with God.

When do you Pray?

Always!  Prayer should come before anything else.  It is not the last resort, it’s the first!  Why is it so hard for us to pray on a regular basis?

Try to be in a continual conversation with the Lord and in everything give thanks to the Lord.  (1 Thessalonians 5:17-18)  When you are afraid, when you are lonely, when you need help, when you are unsure.  Or just to have someone to talk to.  God is never more than a prayer away.    (John 11:42)  Just start a conversation.  If you’re in public, just make sure you’re not praying just to be seen.

Who do we Pray to?

There is only one answer to this question.  Our Creator, the Almighty;  God.  (Genesis 17:1)   Acknowledge that He is God, and there is only one way to Him and that is through His only Son, Jesus Christ.  Whatever your request, God is who you take it to.  (Mark 10:27). 

Where do you Pray?

Anywhere!  While you’re driving, jogging, doing yardwork.  (2 Chronicles 16:9)  God is everywhere.  Whenever you feel the need to talk to God.  Or maybe whenever he wants to TALK to you. (Remember that little voice?  “Lucy?  You’ve got some esplainin’ to do . . . “) Just stop . . . drop . . . and pray.  Seriously though, a quiet, private place is always a good place to talk to the Lord.

Why should you Pray?

Prayer is the key to the heart of God.  Only through frequent prayers can we develop the intimate relationship we desire.  (1 John 5:14)  It is by developing a close relationship with God through prayer that we can ask for many things:  Mercy  (Daniel 9:18) , Forgiveness (Romans 3:23-26), or that his will be done in our lives, for wisdom and understanding, for Thanksgiving and last but not least, just to worship him.  Pray for others as well as yourself.  Pray for your fellow Christians, because they will pray for you as well.

How do you Pray?

Above all, we should pray with sincerity, honor, and humbleness.  But we should also pray boldly.  (Hebrews 4:14-16) The earnest prayer of righteous person has great power and wonderful results.  (James 5:16)  We should truly expect REAL results.  (Matthew 7:7)  If you are going to pray successfully, you need to bring it to the Lord in prayer and then leave it there with the Lord.  (Mark 11:24)  Remember, prayer does not create faith.  Faith causes prayer to work.

We shouldn’t limit God.  Christ said “According to your faith, be it unto you.”  (Matthew 9:29) We don’t have a small God, for small things.  We have an Almighty God we need to pray BIG prayers.

How to be more Effective in Prayer

  1. Plan your prayer time – Make it a priority, make it regular, make it respectful and quality time.
  2. Find a quiet place – Peace and solitude allow you to devote yourself fully to the Lord and your conversation.
  3. Use an outline (i.e. The Lord’s Prayer) to help you get started. It will help prompt the conversation and allow you to concentrate.
  4. Keep a prayer journal – Write down your requests, and your praises.
  5. Be candid, use variety. By not being repetitive your prayers become more enjoyable (To you and God).  Prayer time is not so much a chore.
  6. Say your prayers aloud, or write them down in your journal. Both ways make the prayer more personal.  Don’t forget to listen too.
  7. Pray spontaneously.
  8. Have faith.





    Roscoe–Christian in Training, just became Roscoe–Christian in Action. LOVE IT!!!

      HPBC Author

      Thanks Boss. I won’t publish this one, but I tried the action thing last night, as I felt God telling me to go witness to someone. So I eventually did get up and go talk to the man. I asked him if there was anything we could pray about. He said no, but he did react to the offer. I don’t know if that was all God intended or should I have pushed more. But the bottom line is I was available for God to use and I hope I fulfilled my mission if only partly.


        The key (I believe) is the available part. If we make ourselves available as He leads then we never have to wonder whether what we did was enough. Our job is to plant seed. We need to learn to leave the harvest to Him. Blessings!

    jane reno

    Thank you Roscoe for your willingness and effort which I know will be blessed, God’s word is never returned void. Your lesson was a blessing me and you are too.

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